tirsdag 15. desember 2009

The guards have risen...

I couldn't keep my hands off yet another army as I mentioned in the last update, and the Imperial Guards are on the move in my workshop. Originally my idea was to have a very small army using one or two Valkyries supporting my 2nd Ultras, but as I talked with what I assume is experienced players on the Warhammer Forum, it seems like this might not be such a good idea in the newest edition of codexes. Still I plan for the two armies to fight side by side from time to time, as it is a good concept for games of Appocalypse (but I am a long way away from having an army for that at the moment).
The first 5 guards are standing in attention on my workdesk, waiting to get based and get their unit insignia painted on. The insignia painting depends a little on how my success is with painting insignia on to my 2nd Ultras Space Marine force. I plan to make it quite simple so I don't think it will give me too much trouble. For the Guards I am thinking of using a unit number on one shoulderpatch and perhaps a unit insigina on the other. I will check a little bit to see what other IG-players have done with their troops as I don't want my units to disobey some unwritten rules of the game.
The fluff is far from finished on my Guard army, but what I know so far is that they are mostly based on Cadian figures (some exceptions for variation ofcourse), and that their uniform colors are grey and black. Dark grey pants, light grey jackets / coats and black boots, black armour and black helmets. Their lasguns are black and silver, and the insignia of the all-mighty Emperor is shining silver on their armour and banners.
The way I'm thinking now is that they might be the Royal 101st something-something Guards (something-something will ofcourse be replayced by a real name), and I will either paint 101 on one shoulder guard and a unit insignia (like a simple crown or something) on the other, or they will have unit numbers on one of their shoulders and 101 or a sign on the other. The tanks and transports will have the full insignia no matter what I decide for the troopers.

I plan to include some of the special characters from the codex, but since I have my own army I intend to give them new names. One of these will be Sergant Harker who will be renamed Gunny Highway (Gunnery Sergeant Highway) in recognition of Clint Eastwods character from the movie Heartbreak Ridge. Also I'm thinking of a Colonel Hogan and an Ogryn Bone'ead named Schultz (both from Hogan's Heroes). Lt. Fuzz (from Beetle Bailey) is already standing on my worktable getting combat ready, and the Ogryns Dawg and Mootch (former Beetle Bailey side characters) are laying in pieces as I haven't gotten my glue to bite on their giant bodies yet.
I will not name the individual troopers as it looks now, but I might name some if they stand out for some reason.

The entire army so far is restricted to 5 regular troopers with lasguns (painted), a 6 man Command squad (in painting) and 3 ogryns (one bone'ead) (still in pieces waiting to get assembled and primed). On the shelves I have two units of Cadian Shock Troops, yet another command squad (5 men), one box of 3 heavy weapon teams, and a Valkyrie. So it will take some time before this army is ready to see action on their own.

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