mandag 11. januar 2010

Imperial Guard and Marine update

The weekend is over, and it's time for another update.
I have worked mainly on my Imperial Guard command squads, but I have managed to get a little progress on my Space Marines also.

The two plastic command squads are comming along nicely.
The Cadian torsos are all but finished, the only thing missing is one coat on the helmets and the medals on the commanders chest.
Then I have to fix the arms on some of the troopers, like the vox operator and the medic.
The vox operator will be holding a chart in his left hand, and I have to paint the chart before attatching the hand holding the chart to the arm.
The medic is holding a medipack unrolling a bandage so I need to have the arms perfectly alligned so the hands will fit correctly. I will paint the hands and bandage before trying to attach it all in one operation to the torso. It's always a lot of hassle doing it that way, but it is the only way I know to get it to fit perfectly.
The same arm problem will come with the heavy flamer, and here I will also need to find a way to attach the hose from the weapon to the connection in the prometheum tanks that will go on his back.
I'll also need to finish the platoon banner, and attatch the arm holding it to the banner bearer.
I also need to add some extra equipment from the command sprue, like canteens and grenades and such.

The Catachan command squad has come a little further, here it's only the arm with the Platoon banner that needs to be attached after the banner is finished. Apart from that the only things missing is backpacks (almost finished painting them) and some other extra equipment from the command sprue that I think will look nice on them. I tend to use all the backpacks (3 on the command sprue) and make sure that every man has a canteen, perhaps some ammo pouches, and some grenades where that can fit.

The elite Space Marines from the Dark Angels chapter that has come to help battle renegade space marines are getting closer to completion. Most of them uses both hands on their weapon, so I will have to have the torsos finished before I glue the arms in place. This also means that the weapons must be finished before this can be done. I will also need to paint the insides of the shoulder guards before they get attached, as the blue probably will spill over to their green capes if I don't.

I hope to get some progress on my miniatures this comming week, as I would love to clear the space on my worktable to start working on my Valkyrie. In order to do that I need to have at least 50% of the miniatures painted and off the table.

I still haven't figured out exactly how I'd like to base my Imperial Guard army, but I have decided to base both Cadians and Catachans (and others if they drop in) the same way. I plan to use some moss as growth, and also some barbed wire on some of the larger bases.
I have an idea to use some barbed wire and perhaps something from the bits box on some Space Marine bases. This will be a small attempt to make some unity in case I actually get an Apocalypse army together in the future, as well as giving me more chances to practice.

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