tirsdag 16. mars 2010

Space Marines update

As several people on the Warhammer 40K forums didn't find my fluff believable, I had to go a few rounds with myself. And... *drumroll*
I've decided to totaly rethink my Space Marine fluff. As a result of this I will also need to change the apperance of my Marines.
The main design will be as is, but some changes will appear.
The main color will be Ultramarine Blue (as before)
Legs will have a darker color below the knee, Midninght Blue for the minis already finished, Necron Abyss for new minis.
One shouldergard will be Scull White with the chapter symbol painted on in black. For the first company there will be a thin black line between the shoulderguard and the white rim. The other Shoulderguard will be Ultramarine Blue with the company color on the rim.

I really liked the name The 2nd Ultras, and the name might stick as a nickname for the chapter, but there has to be a new official name. I have gone several rounds with myself to figure out if I should use an existing name from the Lexicanum as there are several non described chapters there, but if I choose this I make it possible for someone to write about my chapter and hence change my chapter history without my knowledge. So I have landed on finding my own name and chapter symbol. I have several symbols I would like to use, but my problem is applying it to the small shoulderguards and making it look similar from marine to marine. This means I will have to simplify quite a lot. Also, since my hands are not noted for being 100% steady on a normal day it will have to be simplified further.
I am currently testing out patterns on paper, and will try the best of these drawings on some spare shoulderguards from my bitzbox tonight.
After I have landed on a shoulder guard pattern, I will try to find a name that sounds good and matches the symbol.
I will try and post a picture of a Marine with the new symbol as soon as I have decided what it will be.

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