fredag 2. april 2010

Catachan command squad

The eastern part of the continent is not as industrialized as the western part. The eastern part is mostly farmland, forrests and some swamps.
The troopers based in this part of the continent need to rely on airsupport to move fas tfrom place to place. They are mostly different kinds of infantry, supported by sentinels and Valkyries or Vendettas. The big unit in the east is the 82nd Airborne Division (Nicknamed the Fighting Falcons).

Their first platoon is lead by this command squad:

Lieutenant Hill, with boltgun
Medic with lasgun with foldable stock
Standard bearer with lasgun
Vox operator with lasgun
Specialist with sniper rifle

Several troopers have grenades.

The Catachan troops have flak vests, and they sre painted catachan green
Their headgear are painted Necron Abyss (same blue as the legs of my Space Marines)

Here are some pics:

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