mandag 2. oktober 2017

More Dwarf progress

Another weekend has passed, and things are still going the right way.
This weekend I have completed the Longbeards and Miners from the last post, so that they now just need their bases done and a thin coat of wash to finish them off. I will do that when I have some more units ready, as this can be done as part of an assembly line.

This weekend I completed my Subscription only Vampire hunter model. The base is done, but I will need to give everything a thin coat of wash after I have glued the different parts together.
I am quite pleased with how it turned out, and while painting this I have found a new color to use for the skin of my Goblin army when I continue to work on them. One unit will be done up for the Armies on Parade (AoP) board, as they will have sneaked in to the mine, and I am hoping to have some Nasty Skulkers ready to hide out on the top level of the board as well.

I have also started to assemble my first Gyrobomber (the long version of the Gyrocopter), and I hope to get this done so that I can add it to my board. The hardest painting is already done, as it was a whole lot of details on the pilot and inside the cockpit that was painted up earlier. This will never be seen, but I was not 100% sure of that when I painted it.
I still have to assemble the rotors, and I will probably do that later this week, and then paint them up separately.
I will need to give everything a nice coat of paint before I assemble any more, as there are lots of details that will be very hard to reach once everything is assembled. But I have a clear plan for what I need and want to do, so hopefully it should be rather easy to get it all painted up in the timeframe I have to my disposal.

The next unit to be painted up is the Imperial Dwarfs, and they have gotten a lot done to them this weekend. I have painted their heads, and glued them on to the torsos I had painted earlier.
All the arms are fully primed. The arms carrying the axes have gotten the first color on them (Rhinox hide for the axe handles) and will get more paint this afternoon.
I love these old Dwarfs as they have a lot of character, and I hope to do them justice so that people who see my board on Parade day will be positive to them. They will be quite visible, as they will be in front of the wall or mountain side, marching towards the Dwarf camp to join up for the battle the Dwarfs are rallying for.

So far I am thinking of putting my Miners and Ironbreakers on the lower level, along with the Vampire hunter and an old Miner figure. If I have time I will make a small mini diorama around the old miner. I will also put some Grudge Ponies in the mine and on the ramp going up or down.

On top there will be some characters (finished), some Engineers (one finished one needs wash), my Ranger unit (finished) the Imperial Dwarfs, and if I get them done in time I have one unit of warriors, one unit of Irondrakes and a unit of Thunderers that can join the army. Also the Gyrobomber will stand on top of a mountainside and I will have a gate that will be guarded, hopefully, by two cannons with crew.

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