tirsdag 31. oktober 2017

What's going on

After Armies on Parade was over this weekend, I wanted to do something completely different for a little while. So I sat down and assembled 5 Tartaros Terminators (these can be used both in 30K and 40K games), 5 Ork Nobz and 3 Kurnoth Hunters. The Nobz actually came on 20 or 25 mm bases, and I've been told a long time ago that Nobz needs at least 32 mm, so I put them on that. My regular Boyz might get 25 mm bases, but the Nobz are a bit more powerful and needs to stand out a little more so they need bigger bases. I will come back to these units in more detail when I have primed and painted them up in the future.

I think I have presented this unit, or at least the females earlier in the blog before they were primed. This is my first attempt at making female guard soldiers, and based on this I am quite sure I will make a few more in the future. I have just replaced two heads with the most human looking heads from my Daemonettes of Slaanesh boxes and I will stick to that making more in the future. I will not have very many females, but I still think I need more than just two. This unit has a female sergeant (the one with purple hair) and a trooper with blonde hair. I have not done anything with the bodies, as the armor is quite bulky and comes as "one model fits all" from the producer. I have wanted some female guard models ever since I read the "Valor"-series written by Tanya Huff where the hero is a female Marine sergeant called Torin Kerr.

When I was looking for basing material for my AoP board I stumbled across a little box with miniatures. These are my only unit of veterans so far, but I will add more in the future. This is my way of giving Imperial Guard troopers some special weapons, as veterans can use almost everything as they pick up things on the battlefields.
Back in the days there was a character named Luc Bastonne. He came from a "fine" family on Cadia and could have been an officer if he wanted. Instead he joined as a private and has been promoted to a sergeant. He remember every trooper that has died under his command and have their named tattooed on his body. Ever since I read about him in the rules I have wanted him for my army. And even though he is no longer an official character, I will have him in my army. I changed his name and home planet to fit my army, so he is now Sergeant Bastion, and his squad is known as Bastions Bastards.

The final figure I have taken a picture of is a Sister of Battle figure that was released as a special figure. For some reason I can not get her to stay glued to the base. As you can see from the glue puddle on the base I have tried several times and with both thin and thick superglue. Recon I'll take her with me to the Games Workshop store and ask them to give it a try for me. Maybe they have a trick. Worst case I will have to do some drilling and pin her to the pile in front and greenstuff her other foot to the ground.

After this I also managed to finish another figure that has been around for a while. That is not a Games Workshop miniature (don't have many that aren't) but it is a female Commissar. She is also made of resin, but she was quite easy to glue together with thin superglue. I plan to paint her up and put her in my Imprial Guard army, but I will leave her out of the game if I go to play at Games Workshop. I plan to prime her along in the first batch of figures to be primed, and paint her up soon after that is done. I know most of the colors I want to use to paint her.

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