mandag 23. mars 2020

Imperial Knight progress

I have finally managed to assemble my first Imperial Knight. This is going to be a Freeblade, and one in a quite solid army of Freeblades.
This knight is still in many parts as this makes painting so much easier. The plan is to wash all the visible metal parts of the body, and then start putting on the other parts piece by piece. I have tried to separate the parts in left and right but it seems like most of them are interchangeable.
I am still figuring out what colors to use on the armor-plates. At the moment I am leaning towards red and black with gold trim.

Here is the body of the knight, and most of this is going to be metal, so it is primed black and then sprayed Leadbelcher. The idea is to wash everything twice with Nuln Oil and then some details will need to get other metal colors like the smoke pipes that need to look a little grimy.
I used masking tape to cover up the shield and also managed to cover up almost all of the banner between its legs.

I am very happy with this Knight as it stands now, and I hope I will be just as happy when I am done painting and assembling.
I already have started to plan for the two Knights that came in the Renegade boxed set where one Imperial and one Renegade knight face off in a battle. 
I have a back story for my Knights telling about the Four Knights of the Apocalypse where one of the original four Knights got turned to Chaos, so I plan to build that knight with a regular Knight chassis but maybe add one or two things from the Chaos Knight sprues and other Chaos things I might find. He will then be known as Pestilence. I'll give him the Chaos claw arm and one of the guns, maybe the Gatling gun.
The other knight has not gotten a name yet, but I would like to make the one knight I have in my army that is close combat only with a chainsword and a fist. I need the thermal lance for my new Ork Stompa and it helps make some difference to the knight army. 

While visiting the Games Workshop store in Oslo I picked up one of the Chaos Knighs, and I plan to build that and paint it like my Chaos Space Marines with dark green and silver. I will also try to do some chipping on this Knight as it has some very visible marks where it has been damage in battle.

I think I will try and assemble these three Knights together so that I can get the parts I need and swap between them. We'll see how it works...

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