søndag 29. mars 2020

Knight Progress

Progress is visible on the Knight and that is very nice. This first picture is taken right after the pictures of it in pieces in the previous post as I just wanted to put it together to see how it all looked as I though about what colors to use. It is not glued yet, pieces are just placed where they will go in the end.

Quite early on I knew I wanted to have red as the main color, so I decided to use Mephiston Red for the main color. Then I went several rounds with myself trying to figure out what to do and what the second color should be, but I eventually ended up with black. There are several Knightly houses using these colors so I checked a lot of pictures to make sure I didn't go for an exact match with them. That is why I have the lower leg armor with black on the outside and red on the inside, as all the other houses I found had it the other way. I also decided to make the panel with the entry/exit hatch black.
All the trims will be gold, and that is the last color I will add for all the panels before they get glued on to the model. At this stage I have two panels glued on. That is the one between the legs and the one on the "chest" with the field to write a name.

I have not decided on all the stickers I want to put on the Knight, but I went through all my sheets yesterday and found lot of Imperial Tank sheets and I think I will use quite lot of those stickers on my Knights as many of the ones on the Knight sheets are associated with established Knightly Houses.
As my army of Knights are Freeblades, I am thinking that I can get away with less stickers as some of them have left heir Houses or their Houses are extinct. I will see what I end up with doing when I decide what stickers to use. Being Freeblades I might have different stickers for each one, or I can use some of the same and say that since they fight together they have also bonded when it comes to heraldry.

I think I will do heraldry/stickers for my Knights after I have built a few more, but I need to think of what I want to do because I need to have colors that can bring the stickers to the front.

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