fredag 2. april 2021

Army size Age of Sigmar (Fantasy)

I thought I would use this blogpost to size up my armies for Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40.000 and say a little bit about how I see the armies coming out in the end. This blogpost will be so long that I will split it in two posts.

I will go from smallest to largest for both systems, and we will start with Age og Sigmar (Fantasy):

Sons of Behemat is the army with the biggest figures, but also the army with the fewest figures. This army has just 11 figures (can't get myself to call them minis). These 11 makes this army about 2400-2500 points, so this is a full army as it is. Still I liked building the Gargants, so I am not saying that there won't be more in the future, but even if I double the amount of figures it would still be the smallest army when it comes to figure-count. This is the only AoS army where all the figures are assembled and primed. I have 2 of the 11 figures painted up, so the army is about 10% done.

The next army in size is my Ogor Mawtribes. I used to think the Ogors were quite large minis, but after working with the Sons of Behemat they are rather small compared to them. Still, they are bigger than most other minis. The Ogors are great figures, and I have 1 unit painted up and 1 unit partially built, the rest are still on their sprues. I do have quite a lot of minis for the army, so it is really a matter of assembling, priming and painting. One of the next things I am going to get built is actually the only scenery model for this army and it is called a Great Mawpot. When I can get to my miniature storage room (unable because of Covid-19 restrictions at the moment) I plan to bring some of the boxes home so I can start to assemble some of them as they are great minis. This is one army where I will step away from my base rules, as they come from the mountains of the North I will add snow to their bases. Some will have all snow bases (the finished unit do have this) and some will just have patches of snow. I haven't really decided if I should use grey rock bases or brown mud bases where I don't have snow. I might do a little of both.

The army on third smallest is probably something that will shock some who have read this blog for some time. It is actually my "legal" Duardin army, at the moment called The Dispossessed. The Duardins I have that are legal but can't be used for the Dispossessed  can be used for cities of Sigmar together with my Bretonnians that can count as Empire models and I think as an army they will be about the same size as my Dispossessed. 

Then we have the steampunk dwarfs, the Kharadron Overlords. They are an army I hope to spend a lot of time with pretty soon, as I am very fond of them. At the moment I have 1 unit (the smallest ship) painted up, but I need to do the base an I also need to glue the globe to the ship. I laso have a test model for the infantry pinted, but I might change the colors on him yet... This will be a fairly sizeable army as I love the ships and a lot of the units in this army. I had originally planned for them to have bases that looked a bit like clouds or sky, but one of the main ingrediencies for making these bases has gone out of production, so I need to see if I can find a replacement for that component. If not I will think up something fitting, and then it would probably be the grey rock base of the duardins or something to match the decks of the ships. I will have to check up with the Games Workshop staff and listen to their advice if I can make the bases I originally intended. I will paint up models first and when I have some units done I can start to think about the bases.

The third biggest army is probably the Sylvaneth. I have a handful of Treelords from the original range, and I will add Treebeard from the Lord of the Rings range, and I might add the other Ent model as well. Then I have the low but wide tree from the Bloodbowl range that will be a druid, and lots of regular trees. I also have several of the old woods that work as scenery for this range. I have painted some of this army, and I have several primed minis waithing to get their bark and leaves painted. And still there are a lot on sprues.

The second biggest army for AoS is the Chaos forces. If you break them down by Chaos Gods then some of them will be rather small, but I like to look at everything Chaos as one big army as it was intended before Age of Sigmar split it up in to factions, and then it is quite a big army. I have forces for Blades of Khorn, Hedonites of Slaanesh and Maggotkin of Nurgle and also what used to be called Chaos Unlimited but they go by the name of Slaves to Darkness now.
When I get all these forces together the Chaos army is my second largest army. I have some really old metal models for this army, but most of those are still legal to field even though they might not be the newest versions out there and they might not be characters anymore but they are still legal to field.
I also have some chaos deamons that I can field along side this army.

The biggest Age of Sigmar army is the Gloomspite Gitz. This might also be the most varied army I have, and like Chaos it can be split up in to separte smaller armies fr smaler games. I can use my Trolls as an army of their own, and I can also do that with my squig units, or I can use everything as one big army as I plan to do most of the time. I still have some units I want to get for this army, but I have tons of models for this model in storage and also some in all stages from being still on sprues to being painted. I also have some older models that I have based on bases filled with turf, and I plan to take them home from storage and do their bases again in the new style. I have plenty of spare bases, so that is no probem.
Like the Chaos army there are all kinds of models here from old metal models through resin to several generations of plastic models. There are even some Forgeworld models in the mix.

I also have a large Dwarf army, and I guess they are about the same size as the Chaos force or maybe just a little smaller. But this army is not legal for the Age of Sigmar edition we have now so I am not counting them officially in this setting. Still I want to build and paint all the models, and the ones I bought that were already painted I intend to re-paint to get them to fit with my army even though they are painted quite well. Maybe I can play the old Warhammer Fantasy game, I know some people still do. But even if I don't play them they will still be a great looking army and I love Dwarf models as the old ones have so much character. I have lots of painted Dwarfs but lots still on sprues.

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