mandag 24. mai 2021

So, what is going on now?

It has been a long time without a proper update again, even in this ties of Covi-19 I don't seem to get the hang of regulat painting sessions and updates even though I did ok on the models work and paint for a while.

Games Workshop teased a great looking Sylvaneth Tree Revenant comming out somtime in the future, playing some sort of "flute of life" and transporting some soldpods (if I am not mistaken). So since I want that miniature in my army I need to add some other Tree Revanents in the army too.
So far I have bought and built a unit of 10 Tree Revenants with command, and I plan to make that the standard unit size as a unit can be from 5 to 30. By makingthe units any bigger it will take too many miniatures to make the amount of units that I need.
I have also ordered a box of Ylthati's Guardians, a unit of 4 Tree Revenants that really is a unit from Warhammer Underworlds but the unit is also a legal unit for Age of Sigmar. They should be in store waiting for me, along with Treebeard from the Lord of the Rings range.

I have been working with asembling some units for my Gloompite Gitz army. The first unit is a unit that doesn't seem to be an official unit anymore unfortionately, the Gnarly Cavesquigs. I hope I have another unit of these in storage as they ar the best looking Cave squigs ever made and 10 squigs is enough for one unit. If I doesn't have anymore I will blend them in to an existing unit just to get them on the table.
The oher unit I hve been woking with is not relly a single unit, but a single set from Forgeworld. 
 It is called The Night Goblin Command Set and consist of one shaman doing some heavy stuff, one standard bearer with a big stick with two banners on, and a grot riding a giant squig with a lot of armor on it. They all looks great, but I think I need to use them as separate figures or in other units. I will probably use the Standard berer as the standard bearer for the Goblin King or his highest ranking General. The goblin on a giant cave squig I am sure I can field alongside some of the others I have, I will have to check the rules to see how many there can be in a unit, and the Shaman is probably a sngle figure anyway.

Aslo I have been able to paint some skin on a couple more of my Sons of Behemat gargants. I am trying out a couple of different skintones as I like some variety. The Bugmans Glow got to be very dark pink when used on the white primer, so I am exited to see how it will look after a wash and drybrush. I will keep using Kislev Flesh on the original bothers and my other Mega Gargant, and I will also use Cadian Fleshtone on some of them.

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