søndag 4. desember 2022

The end of another week

Once again it's getting late on a Sunday. This week I have built almost all of the Leagues of Votann box that I got when they were first released. I have 3 Hernkyn Pioneers (the dudes on the hoverbikes) left to assemble, but I have made 20 Hearthkyn Warriors, 1 Einhyr Champion and 1 Kahl. I have decided to keep the head separate, so I have drilled a hole in to the bottom of each head and glued them on a stick thingy that Games Workshop sells. It gives me someplace to hold when I paint the head, and I can paint all around it. And I can paint the entire body and then just clip the head from the stick after and glue it to the body. Having it on the stick also makes it possible to prime it porperly. This is the same way I did it when I painted my Squats, so I am quite sure this will work out well.

I also painted the skin on my Sons of Behemat King and one of the other Mega-gargants. That leaves me with one Mega-gargant and 8 Mancrushers left to paint the skin on. Then comes all the other things that need to be painted on them. For the Mega-gargants it will be a lot of brown leather, while the Mancrushers will have colorful pants. One of them will have his pants painted in the bone and green that I use for my Cities of Sigmar army, and one will have his pants painted like the people being held by my finished Mega-gargant as that was the colorscheme I originally planned for my Cities of Sigmar army. I will also paint up some of the humans being held or running away as my Cities of Sigmar army.

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