tirsdag 29. november 2022

Today in Gargant news...

This week I have been busy with life so I haven't done much Warhammer. But one thing I have done is looking over all my Mega-Gargants and Mancrushers and given them all individual names. I've had the names for a little while, but I had not decided what Gargant had what name. So this weekend I sat down with the lot, looked at them and wrote their names under their bases. Like I think I have said before the names for all my Sons of Behemat is the British common names for types of Fungus. The same type of names I use for my Gloomspite Gitz army, where all my Goblin characters have names like that. I had originally planned to name the Trolls like that too, but I think now that the Trolls should get some other kind of names to show that they are totally different creatures even though they are in the same army.

It is not the first time I do things this way, as my Sylvaneth Charachters all are named with the Latin name for different kind of trees and bushes. But the Sylvaneth are sort of higher beings, so I found it fitting that they had sort of "High Gothic" names (basically Latin), while Gargans and Gloomspite Gits are more down to earth simple beings that don't have so many fancy words so the Latin names would not work for them. Also it gives them a little more comedic side, and especially for the Gloomspite Gitz I find that very fitting. 

The coming week I plan to assemble some Squats or Leagues of Votann, and continue painting my Sons of Behemat army. I also plan to work on the backstory for my Necrons and Leagues of Votann. 

I have decided that my Necrons are from the Tang Dynasty, and that their king is Sherek Khan (Shere Khan is the big bad tiger from The Jungle Book, but I felt adding the k at the end made it more oriental). The Tang Dynasty is really from Chinese history, and was a very "successful" dynasty for about 300 years from 618 to 907 AD. The Khan is more Mongol I think, but this is not really historical so I allow myself that "adaption".

The Leagues of Votann army will either be called The Valiant Veteran Alliance of the Valiant Veteran Conglomerate, I haven't quite decided what I like the most yet. I think I need to see how the other Leagues that has these words in their names are organized and then decide how I want to organize my League and use what suits that best. I guess they could be an alliance, as I plan to paint them as similar as possible to my Necromunda Squats so they could certainly be part of the same alliance. 

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