søndag 16. april 2023

Ork Looted Cargo-8 Ridgehauler is completed

The looted Cargo-8 Ridgehauler is done for now. I could not fit a gunner in the front compartment, so I am thinking of trying to add something on the roof, but that will come as a future improvement. 

I am very happy with the driver. He was made from spare bitz from my boxes. I think his head and torso is from one of the ork flyers, and I belive his right arm is from a biker and I have no idea where the left is from. I'm thinking someone carrying a two handed weapon. The arms doesn't really fit as well as I was hoping, but the most important thing was to get them on as they won't be very visible once the roof is on.

I think the Driver should have some sort of assistant and I found this Grot body in my Ogor bitz and a head among my Orky bitz so I decided that he could get the job. Not sure why he is pointing the way he does (well as a matter of fact I do as he originally stands on  lookout-platform on top of a banner pole) or even if he will be standing in that seat or on the other side. If I get him on the other side he points out the direction the wagon is going so tht might be nice, so I will see what I can do. I will paint both him and the driver compartment before I glue him in anyway.

Here are the details of the left and right side showing how I glued the front pice of the battle wagon on to this. The plates are spares from some Imperial Guard vehicle, I think it is the Chimera. I had three plates that I glued together and then cut them in half to get one for each side. With a little modification on the connection of that battle wagon front it fit rght in. 

Before I fitted everything I also wanted to make an Ork gunner to stand in the gunners position, but it turned out the driver Ork was so broad shouldered that he couldn't fit after all. Still this must be the tallest, slimmest ork of the lot. I took him apart again after so I can use the torso for something else, and maybe I can glue the back on to the legs again and build the gunner like he was supposed to be built so I can use him for another project in the future.

My plan now is to paint the model up. It has 8 wheels so that means it must be fast, so becaiuse of that I will paint it red  as that is the right color for a fast vehicle. I will paint some of the sides, the cabin and the "plow" red with some rust and bare metal showing to make it look like some of the paint has been worn off. The chassis under the cargo container or flatbed will be painted in darker metal, also with some rust, an I plan to use either grey or dark green on the fenders on the back. They will also be rusted up.

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