søndag 11. juni 2023

More Ogors

I had planned to do mostly painting for this period, but I ended up spending a little less time than planned with the minis and also doing more buiding than painting.

For painting I have painted up the wheels and chassis on an old ork Trukk, I wanted to find out how the red contrast paint I use for my squigs would work for the trukks. I am quite happy with the way it turned out, so I will paint the  rest of the old trukks like this too. Also the old bike that I have from the same era.

I have also painted up the wheels on my Cargo-8, so it is one step closer to being finished. 

When it comes to building I have made two new units for my Ogor army, And i have also found a "unit" that i have been ooking for for a long time in my storage. The unit I found was The Great Mawpot, I plan to build that up soon, but there are a few other Ogor units I need to build forst.

The first unit I have built is an old box of mournfang cavalry from the Warhammer Fantasy age. That box has two of the Mournfang cavalry, and I have one more box to build so I can make one unit of four. 
I plan to make that unit with full command, and then the fourth Ogor will get armed with a club and a metal fist. Then I have a modern box with four Mournfang Cavalry and a Stonehorn or Thunertusk, and I will build that Mournfang cavalry with the two handed weapon options.

The second unit is in the rulebook, but not part of the Age of Sigmar figures. Instead it is part of  the Warhammer Underworlds range caled Harrowdeep. It is the unit called Blackpowder's Buccaneers. It consists of maybe the coolest figure in the entire Ogor range, the pirate captain with the big gun and the sword. He can be the commander of units of Leadbelchers and I do plan to have several units of those.
He also has to gnoblars with him, and to weird animals (a bird and a monkey). I know how to paint the gnobars but I am not sure how to paint the monkey and the bird yet except  would like the bird to have bright colors to look a bit like the parrots from pirate movies.

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