lørdag 14. februar 2009

Long time, no blog...

I have to admit taking "The Pledge" didn't have quite the effect I thought it would... I was sure it would make me turn out minis like crazy so that I could buy more, but it hasn't turned out quite like that.
However my local toystore that also had Citatel Games Workshop miniatures are clearing out their entire stock at 50% off. Not a lot of units for my armies really, but a litte look through their boxes made me buy a box of 5 marauder horsemen, a unit of 20 nightgoblins and a unit of 16 (i think) dwarf thunderers (or quarrelers if you prefer that configuration) adding up to the total of 41 new models.
This leaves me a lot to do if I want to get on top with the painting. But hey, I have 16 almost finished minis in the mobile workbench, and also the almost finished "landspeeder from hell" (as described thoroughly in earlier posts). Since the speeder is a lot more work, I've decided to make it count as 3 minis and why not as there are a pilot, gunner and the speeder itself.
Also while looking through the shelves I discovered a box with a dwarf king standing on a shield carried by to other dwarfs. And when I took that out of the shelf, a blister pack with Josef Bugman came out with it, so at the moment there are 4 dwarfs in the mobile workbench coming along nicely.
I've started on washing my Space Marine masters of the chapter and the big man himself, as well as my four remaining terminators. I'm also washing my champion of chaos and the evil looking chaos sorcerer and his weird looking snakey follower.
I hope to get some pictures taken in the near future of the finished minis (probably without the basing though, as that will be taken care of on thursday or friday when I have a few days off from work).

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