tirsdag 3. februar 2009

Landspeeder update #2

Could I bring my Landspeeder to the local GW store and claim that it is cursed? It surely isn't even close to my finest work! It has taught me a lot of "what not to do" tings that I will take with me into the further work on Games Workshop minis.
The first rule of building the miniatures from now on is : Don't trust the assembly manual that is provided with the box. The more expensive the set is, the more important it is to follow this simple rule!
I had planned to write something about assembling the set after building this one, but I have decided that I will wait until I have built my next landspeeder. This will be started as soon as the first is completed.
The latest bad news for this model, is that I found out that I assembled the tail backwards, so the flaps are at the front of the tail and not on the back. Also I have learned that once you have assembled the top, it gets really hard to assemble the arms on the pilot and gunner. This is a problem, since you have to connect the arms of the pilot to the equipment on the controls, so he will have to go in after the controls are assembled (and this is done when attaching the top).

The assembly is getting along, and everything that is missing now is the searchlight and "gatling gun" and the heavy bolter. These parts are assembled, but needs painting before they are added to the finished model. After that is done it is just a matter of washing the entire model.

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