torsdag 25. november 2010

The Low King is comming...

I feel a little like the White Dwarf magazine now, speaking of something to come in the future...

But I re-discovered dwarfs these last few days, and I have already decided my next project in the Warhammer genre (after I finish 24 chaos warriors) will be dwarfs, dwarfs and even more dwarfs.

As I told in an earlier post, I bought some new dwarf boxed sets on a trip to Sweden to shop for food and beverages.
I have used some time trying to think if I would like to have Thunderers or Quarrelers built from the box. For the cannon I have already decided on an organ gun (as I have a cannon and crew already). This means I will have a spare cannon that can be used for other purposes.

I seem to buy every number of White Dwarf Magazine that comes out, as there is always at least one interesting article in it (usually a lot more), and have for this reason decided to buy a subscription for 2011. Since the 2011 subscription miniature is a dwarf fighter pilot or engineer, I have decided to build an attack-blimp for him. How I will do this, I do not know at the moment, but several ideas are running through my head. Some of these involving thin metal sheeting and balsa wood...

I also thought it would be very cool to design a large stronghold for my dwarfs, and these last few days I have started to think how this can be done. A stronghold complete with a brewery, big mountain gates, a watch tower and not to forget a landing pad and service area for the attack-blimp and gyrocopters. This will have to be quite large, so I don't see me building it in the near future, but then the planning is a lot of the fun anyway and the building mostly a pain in the behind to get it to look as good in real life as it does in ones own mind. I should probably start small and build a few buildings or terrain pieces. One thing I plan to build to get some experience is the entrance to a dwarf mine for my grudge pony and miners.

The Dwarf fluff always mention the High King of the Dwarfs, but I like to go against the grain, so I have decided that I will have a Low King. He might answer to the High King, I see no problems with that, but my idea is that the Low King lives in the deepest caves of a dwarf stronghold, and thus has the title Low King. I haven't yet worked out the details around it, as the title really is borrowed from Terry Pratchett and his magnificent books about the Disc World.
If you haven't read these books yet I would certainly recommend you to check them out at once. There is no need to start at book 1 and read all the way through, just find a book with a story line that intersts you, and take it from there. Some of these books tell a lot about dwarfs, and others don't mention them at all... Some very funny characters like Officer Carrot of the police department, who was adopted by dwarfs as a kid and thus see himself as a dwarf while he really is a giant of a man. Not at all like Warhammer, but several of the races are there, and the books are really hillarious at times.

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