søndag 14. november 2010

so much for progress...

What I wanted to name this blogentry was "Watch out for the Cavalry" (or something in that way), and then post pictures of the finished Leman Russ. But it seems like that tank is a project doomed for stand-still even though I really do want to get it finished.
Saturday me and the Wife was in Sweden (just across the border) to do some serious shopping. Norwegians go to Sweden, Swedes go to Denmark, Danes go to Germany, Germans go to Poland, and the Polish go to the Baltic States. There's always some place where you can save a lot of money on food and other stuff.
Since we were in Strømstad, I decided to stop by the local Citadel Miniatures supplier to see if they had some sets that I wanted. Since Games Workshop have the same price for Norway and Sweden I tend to save some money on this, because of the difference in the currency.
This was probably my last time shopping miniatures there, as they had a clearance sale for what Warhammer stuff they had left. Everthing was 30% off.
I am quite sure I could have bought myself a decent Skaven or Ogres army (the last one was actually quite tempting), but instead I ended up with 4 boxes for my existing armies.
1 Space Marine Chaplain on bike (plastic biker kit with a metal chaplain). 1 Imperial Guard Sentinel (the new all-plastic kit), 1 Dwarf Cannon (will be used to build an Organ gun), and finally 1 unit of Dwarf Thunderers (the future will decide if the will be Thunderers or Quarrelers).

Today (Sunday) was Father's Day here in Norway, and I spent some time with my father helping him around the house. Among the things we did, was packing all his outside furniture away for the winter.

Speaking of Dwarfs, I really like the new mini you get if you buy a subscription for White Dwarf for 2011. I buy the mag anyway, so I might as well subscribe and get it home instead of trying to remember to stop by the store to get the newest edition.
The miniature is sort of a fighter jockey, and that got me set on an idea...

In the 8th Edition rulebook for Warhammer there is a pic of a Dwarf blimp, and that gave me the crazy idea that some time in the future I might make myself something like a small elite Dwarf Airforce. I already have the first gun for the blimp as there are both a regular and an organ gun in the Cannon set... I will start to think about this and see what I can come up with. Might get some help from people that are more handy than me to make the blimp itself, we'll see...

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