mandag 21. februar 2011

Space Marine commanders...

There are few good miniatres out there that can function as a Space Marine Chapter master without being instantly recognised as someone else.
Marneus Calgar and Captain Lysander are two very nice models that I would love to field as commanders of the Gateeepers, but I tried something else instead... Unfortionately, that didn't work out too well! I started out well enough with a plastic set called "Space Marine Commander" and painted him up to look commanding. But in my eagerness to make him look commanding I gave him a golden helmet. That didn't look good at all (not sure if it is the golden helmet or the way I applied the gold). 
I will see if I can repaint his head (or replace it with another from my bitz box) so that he can become Captian of one of my 10 companies. I do have some of the commanders already, but I don't have all 10 yet. The golden helmet will be left to the champion I think...

Instead I ended up buying Marneus Calgar with Honour guard on Thursday afternoon. Truely an amazing metal kit, but I am sad to think that I need to do some heavy carving. There are a host of Ultramarine signs on the troops that I will see if I can remove. If I can it's good and it will be done, if I can't I'll survive as my fluff states that there are some of the "old" symbols around.
The thing that hurts me the most will be to cut the top off the banner, as it is very good looking. But The Gatekeepers will never be the XIII Legion, that is always and forever the Ultramarines.
Still, I also got myself the "Space Marine Command Squad" box and in this lovely plastic set there are two different banner heads to choose from. So hopefully I will be able to use the one not being used here on the top of Calgar's own banner. I will see what I can do, this should be no problem at all if there is a possibility to use pinning, if not it might be a little more difficult but I am sure I can find some sort of solution before I cut the top off the first banner.

Along with my other projects going on at the moment, I will try to finish the Space Marines standing around on my work table and changing the chapter markings on the ones already in the glass cabinet. The cabinet contains 5 chapter masters (including the earlier mentioned golden helmet), 6 terminators, a whole lot of scouts, one scout on bike, a dreadnought, a rhino and a one of a kind (not nessessarily in a good way) Land Speeder that won't be used unless it's absolutely nessassary. I need to get some marines off my work table in order to get the room I need to base a lot of Warhammer Fantasy suff and some Imperial Guard units. Pretty soon there will also be a few dreadnoughts that needs to get some extra things added to their bases.

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