mandag 21. februar 2011

What is new?

As explained in my last post, the 12 first warrirors of "The Shining" are done. The entire unit is now sitting in the box togehter with 20 hounds and two knights waiting for the base work to be done. This will probably be quite simple. For my Chaos Army I'm thinking of using tainted grass, some stones, and if I find some sculls or other "chaosy" bits I will add them as well (just as my goblin bases gets mushrooms whenever I come across some)...

As custom is, after a WHFB project it is time for a 40K project. So I am working on 3 dreadnoughts at the moment (to read about this see the "Enter the dreadnoughts..." post).
This weekend I finally managed to take some ok pictures of the Leman Russ, and hopefully they will be posted here in a few days time.
I was planning to test my new light box for photography on the Russ pictures, but it was such nice weather that I decided to go without it.

I also managed to paint the shoulderguard of one of my marines to see if I could find a chapter symbol that can look more similar than the # that I use today. The problem with using # is that it never looks the same from one shoulderguard to the next, so I had to re-think it all.
I am not 100% convinced of my new symbol either, but I think it fits the fluff and it looked suprisingly good on the marine.
The new idea is to use Necron Abyss on the shoulderguard,as this matches the legs, then paint a strip of shining gold vertically down the middle of the shoulderguard.
It is very simple, but since using stickers didn't work out and I am a very bad freehand painter I need a simple pattern. I will try to paint a few more and see if I still like it.

Last week I saw the preview of a new spider for the Goblin release taking place on March 5th. It's a gigantic spider and it's sure to find it's way in to most greenskin armies in times to come, and I expect one or two will crawl down to my study as well this spring.
I must say I look forward to the release of the new codex, even though I didn't know a new one was needed.
But new releases often brings with it new models, and this is also the sitution here. Goblin assassins (nasty skulkers) will be cool to have in the army, it looks like there are more fanatics on the way (I really like fanatics). I will try to give my Goblins a more unified look, so they will fit together in one huge army. There should be some tribal differences both among the Night Goblins and between them and other Goblins, but it would be cool to have them quite similar still. Think I had a plan for this when I was working hard on the greenskins a while back, but I will revisit them and re-think the plan for my next WHFB project (this will probably be river trolls).

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