tirsdag 26. april 2011

one month since last post

I have not given up on my miniatures just because there has been so quiet, I just haven't been able to do much. There is no particular reason for this, apart from there being much to do in the daily life.
Today is the first day back at work after Easter, and I had such high hopes for getting a lot of painting done in my Easter break... Sadly though, I haven't touched a brush these few days off.
I have however received all of the miniatures I bought on Ebay, and I will start up the painting again this week. My first Terminator squad will be completed, with 10 Terminators, but I will see if I swap one of them at a later time, as two of them can be used as a commander. My idea is to have the Captiain of the 1st Company made up in Terminator Armour, and I have a metal terminator captain that I am thinking of using. Still the plastic commander I got from Ebay looks a little more warlike, so I will use him as a commander of the squad that looks most fearsome. If I remove the metal captain from this squad though, I will need to replace him with a normal terminator, but I have one or two boxes on the shelves so this should not be a problem and can be done when I start painting up my second squad.

I will also do a count of my robed marines, and see if they now can be split in to two squads or if I'm still missing something. I have enough marines to do so, but it depends a little bit on the weapons they are carrying as I don't like mixing swords and boltguns too much. There can be some mixing, but not more than looks natural.
If something still should be missing, the plan is simple, go from 20 to 30 robed marines, and make the last 10 in a way that they fill the gaps of the existing squads.

Grey Knights has been put on hold temporarily, as I don't have the cash to buy enough miniatures to make a small army. Instead I will keep working on my existing armies to make them ready for games. I did buy an inquisitor though, and I plan to paint him up to fit a future Grey Knight army, as I know I'm going to get a small Grey Knight army sometime in the future.

I have decided that the next Warhammer FB project will be to paint up a forrest. I will prime the base and the trees black and then paint it from there. I have long thought to paint leaves in differnt shades of green, and this Easter I saw a picture where this was done and found out that it could look very good. Not sure it will look just as good when I do it, but I think it will be quite nice once it is done. The idea is to make my two forrests look rather different. One should look very intimidating, and the other should look rather nice and inviting.
There are so many extra parts in the set that this should be quite easy to achieve.

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