søndag 10. juni 2012

Making a Space Marine Chapter..

I did NOT expect it to be such a time consuming puzzle to assemble my Space Marines in to the right companies and squads. I had thought I might do that and also repaint Chapter markings on my scouts and some of the few Marines that doesn't have it. But it has taken me most of the day to get the first part done.
Now I have one dreadnought, one devastator (the only one I've got painted up so far), one terminator and one vanguard veteran to fix minor details on. As well as 17 scouts that needs chapter markings (remaining 3 have capes over their shoulder).
I have managed to paint up a little under 2465 points of Space Marines. The reason I'm saying it is a little under is that I in some cases have had to take the points of an entire unit even though it is not complete yet. But I have all the minis needed to complete them all, so it's just a matter of getting the time and inspiration to paint.
I have several minis that is close to completion, so it will not be long before the army is more than 2500 points.
Some of the units waiting to be painted up is a Terminator Chaplain, terminators (close combat), assault marines and regular marines. So all I have to do first is to fix the remaining Imperial Guard troopers that are on my table at the moment, and then make 3 River Trolls for Warhammer Fantasy, and then it is time to add points to the Gatekeepers.
I will also see if I should re-write the fluff a little to make them more believable, and I will stretch the rules of the company strength a little, in order to be able to use all my terminators in a game of apocalypse in the future (If I add them all up, I believe I have about 100 terminators) while still being able to use sternguard and vanguard veterans.

Well, that's it for now, I'll try to put in an update on the progress with the small adjustments later tonight.

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