mandag 17. desember 2012

Forgive me people, it's been too long since my last blogpost...

First a little update on the buying front.
Renewed my White Dwarf subscription and got the exclusive model. This year I do not have any plans at all for the mini, a Peter Jackson director dwarf is not something I feel I can fit in to my dwarf army.

Also walked out of the store with two Imperial Guard artillery pieces, the Basilisk mobile artillery platform. One old box and one new, only difference between them seem to be the size of the box (the old one is a little bit bigger).
And then I brought with me an Ogre Thundertusk/Stonehorn model. Not sure what it will be yet, but I will get to that when I get to building it.

and now...
Trolls! They are finally all painted up and all glued together.
I am sad to report that the deep water troll face (the dangling light) broke off while the trolls were being stowed away. Makes me a bit sad, but then at least I am 100% sure what I should use as one head for the next 3 trolls.
All I am going to do with them now is to let the glue dry, then give the trolls their wash.

I finally got around to pack up my lightbox, and my wife have used it with some success on taking some scrapbook pictures. So I will take pics of the trolls in that, and post them here this weekend (maybe even before that).

My plan now is to do my 40K project, as I do one Fantasy and one 40K and then one Fantasy again, one 40K and so on...
For my 40K project I will try to finish off some of my half painted stuff, like the imperial Guard Heavy weapon Squad, the Kommissars, and some Space Marines.
I have a bunch of Space Marines just needing a shoulderguard painted and some wash added, and I will see what I can do about that.

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