søndag 13. januar 2013

Cleaned the hobby room

I've just finished working several hours in the basement, in my hobby room. Everything was flowing over, too much had been stuffed in to the room and forgotten about. Not any more!
I removed my old desk (kept the work table though), and added two archive cabinets for my sheet music that has threatened to take over the room for a long time.
This also gives me the top of the cabinets to use for storage, and I managed to store all my large Warhammer FB and 40K boxes there. Plenty of things to sink my claws in to at a later time. 3 towers (4 if I add the ruined tower), 1 large building (with its own tower), two Apocalypse tanks (Baneblade and Shadowsword boxes), lots of tanks and some artillery for my Imperial Guard, two Marine Flyers, one giant spider for my Goblin army and a Thundertusk (or its counterpart) for my Ogres. I also found two Games workshop plastic bags with lots of Ogre sets in them, enough to make a small but hard hitting army with cavalry, heavy gunners, normal troops, butchers, special characters and the little fellas following (gonna go mad converting some of them for sure).
The cleaning also revealed some Sisters of Battle that has been standing unattended for way too long, along with several units of Space Marines (both fast attack and regular troops). As for the Imperial Guard units, I found four Ogryns (one hardhead and three regulars), one old metal Cadian command squad (the metal one with the regular five troops along with one wounded trooper) that I plan to use as my platoon or regiment command,  and the elite Cadian squad with the sergeant that will be my version of Sergeant Bastonne. Oh, and not to forget at least two squads of Ratling snipers, that also will serve with the Imperial Guard regiment I'm putting together.

Up until now I have had two Detolf display cabinets from IKEA. These cabinets are great for all purposes of showing miniatures off except for one thing... They have so few shelves. They have four shelves for each cabinet and no way of adding more shelves without getting special cut glass and some Gyro Gearloose solutions.
The Detolf cabinets will have to be replaced with Expedit cabinets with glass doors. Instead of eight high shelves I will get thirteen not that high shelves that can be split in to twenty six shelves for regular miniatures or a little less for higher minis.I have measured out that the low shelves will take a giant,and hopefully they will also take the Baneblade tank.

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