søndag 6. januar 2013

Got my packet from GW yesterday

Yesterday I got a packet from Games Workshop, containing my new Witch Hunter (to replace the one who manged to loose his sword from the livingroom table) and I also included a Captain of The Empire with hammer & pistol (I sort of wish I hadn't done that but more about why later).

I plan on using this captain as one of the leaders of the militia guarding the town that can be built with my WHFB scenery (towers, a scary mantion, a chapel or two, and so on).
The Captain will have a diverse group to command, with peasant men-at-arms and bowmen from Bretonnia, fightling alongside Empire Handgunners, State troops and Greatswords.
He might also have the command over a few engineers, specialists, war machines and cannons.

Another commander will have command over the cavalry. At the moment, this commander looks like it will be a leader based on the Kurt Helborg miniature as I really like the look of that.
At the moment the knights consist of two un-assembled boxes of Bretonnian knights, but they may be joined by some Empire knights later on.
This is a project that will come to life over some time, as the first thing I plan to do with it is to build the scenery, and only when that has gone on for a while will I start to work on the troops. The only exceptions being the two Witch Hunters and the Captain.

As mentioned earlier in the post I promised to come back to why I wish I didn't add the Captain to my shopping list.
The reason is something called a tax-free limit. The cost of the minis was 230 Norwegian Kroners (NOK), and I was sure the tax-free limit for goods ordered from outside of Norway was 250 NOK.
It wasn't! The Limit was 200 NOK, so I had to pay a toll fee of 125 NOK, and then an extra WAT-tax on top of that so the total came to 189 NOK in addition to the 230 I had paid for the miniatures.
Next time I will buy my minis as collect at store, no doubt about that!

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