onsdag 2. september 2015

Armies on Parade - Part 4

I have managed some more progress on my forces for my presentation.
I have assembled all my bikes as far as I think I can before painting.
This means I have built the bikes and then built the rider, but I haven't glued the two together. The result is that I can take the rider off for painting, and make sure that both bike and Marine is painted to a good standard.
I assembled the rider while he was sitting on the bike, so I know that the arms will fit perfectly round the handles and the backpack will fit on the seat.
I had hoped to prime them yesterday, but due to heavy rain that was not possible, looks like it's going to rain all day today as well, so I might not get to start the paintjob until this weekend.

I have also assembled the attack bike. The bike itself is built just like the three standard bikes described above, then I've built the side wagon but not attached it as doing so will prevent me from painting that side of the bike to a good standard.
The Marine sitting in the side wagon has his legs attached as part of the seat, so I had to glue that on to the side wagon, but in order to paint the back of the seat, I have not glued his torsos to the legs. But it is complete with head and arms, and then I just need to put the heavy bolter up on the rail and glue it tight and glue the other end to the arms. I have checked that this will be a good fit.

I have also built two finecast minis to go on the board.
The first is a Space Marine Chaplain with jump pack. I'm just a little bit disappointed with that mini as it doesn't look like his jump pack will fit well over his shoulders. It looks like the mount is a few millimetres too short to get the jump pack to fit as it does on the Assault Marines, but with the right amount of glue I'm sure it will fit one way or the other...

The second finecast mini is my Captain. I chose the one who is reportedly is a Devastator Captain, but since my Marines will be from 3rd Company I am just 95% sure that I will use him. I might replace him later in the process, but still it is a very nice mini to have painted and ready fro the gaming table.

I have some good reasons for using him.
1. He will fit nicely to the task at hand. With his specialized gear I think he is perfect for  coordinating the firepower of the Hunter, the Devastator squads and interface with the handler for the Castellan robots.
2. It is a very cool looking miniature
3. As the Devastators will be placed at a very visible place on the board, having a commander that looks good with them will be a plus.

Then the only reason for not using him:
1. The Marines are part of the 3rd Company, and this would not usually be led by a Devastator captain. It would be more natural to have a captain that is more mobile.

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