mandag 2. april 2018

Building and priming

I've had a week of Easter Holiday now, and last Monday I was at Games Workshop in Oslo and collected my Forgebane boxed set. While in the Store I started to work on my first Amiger Warglaive (baby Knight), and on Monday afternoon and Tuesday I finished it at home and also built the second one.
Then I went to my Cabin where I don't have a workbench, but I built a lot of Lego instead.
Got home yesterday, and primed the Amigers as well as two Killteams for the Deathwatch and some Orks.
Before I went to the cabin I had primed all my built Custodes minitures, a bunch of Orks, and a box of House Esher gangers from Nectromunda. One thing I've learned from that experience is that the House Esher Gangers are really frail. The bases was quite stuck to the box I had them on when I primed them, and one ganger standing on one leg broke her leg clean off and another with the same pose got it badly bent. So I need to do some repair work before I start to paint them up sometime in the future.

After I got home from the cabin yesterday I sat down and started to work on the Space Wolves from the Stormclaw box that I talked about in my last post. Luckily they had loose shoulder guards, so it was easy to just replace the left one with the one for the Deathwatch.
After building the five Terminators in the box I just had to build my five other Terminators. They are from a box of Dark Angels that can make regular Terminators, a Command Squad or Terminator Knights (a special kind of Terminator only available for the Dark Angels).

I made up my five Terminators as a little bit of everything. After all, they are representing the Deathwatch and because of that they are basically allowed to be armed with anything they like. So I gave one a two-handed halberd that the command unit champion has, and I made him up like a Champion too. Then one got the powerfist with a plasma cannon that only the Dark Angels terminators can have. The remaining three were more traditionally armed. Both the Wolves and the Angels are armed both for close combat and ranged battles. They also have a healthy amount of heavy wepons.
When that was done I made the rest of the Stormclaw box, that is ten regular Space Wolves and a Wolf Lord. Some of them got weapons from the Deathwatch sprues, an Infernus heavy bolter, a shotgun, I replaced a regular Spacewolf shield with a big shield from the Deathwatch and I gave one Marine a two handed Thunder hammer.

I have decided that as many of my sergeants as possible will have the special helmet with a metal crest that comes on the Deathwatch extra sprue. I gave one to my Spacewolf sergeant too.

I have two killteams, a Dreadnought and a captain primed and ready for painting now, and I am almost done painting up my Watch Master. Then I have two five-man Terminator killteams a 10 man all Spacewolf killteam and their leader Krom Dragongaze, and a little Watcher in the dark (a small figure unique to the Dark Angels, so he can't join the Death Watch) ready for priming. And at the moment I am working on assembling my Primaris Intercessor unit.
In the not too distant future I will add a unit of Primaris Marines, probably Reivers, two five man boxes of Deathwatch killteams (will probably run them as one ten man team), a box of five Devastators, a box of five Assault Marines and a box of ten regular Marines.
This should give me quite a versatile force to bring to the tabletop, and who knows if I'll add more in the more distant future. There is a new codex for 8th edition coming out in a few months time, and I'll see what that gives me of options for troops and vehicles.

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