onsdag 25. april 2018

Deathwatch Watch Master - pictures

I have finally finished my Watch Master. He's gotten the same base as the Marine I sent to join the European Deathwatch, and this will be the base design for all my Deathwatch and Custodes bases.
The Watch Master is a senior officer in the Deathwatch, and this specific Watch Master has been given command over several Captains. He has not yet been given a name, but I am trying to think of something fittingly humble but noble for him.
The pictures are not of a 100% quality, as I don't have my lightbox, so I tried to set one up.

As one can see from the pictures, he is armed with a Guardian spear, this says something about his rank as this weapon is usually only seen on the warriors of the Adeptus Custodes. On his left arm he has a Clavis (a very special gadget that even the Mechanicus does not fully understand) that lets him unseal magnetic locks and that tells all servitors (both friend and foe) that he is a friend, so they stand down in his presence.

For once I managed not to break any flimsy parts, so he still have the servo scull attached to the backpack. 

The back of his cape has a fancy pattern. I am about 90% pleased with how it turned out, as I would have liked to get it to look more crisp, but the more I worked with it the worse it got.

This Watch Master will soon be joined by Captains and kill teams. I have one Dreadnought, two captians and two ten-man killteams primed, and I will start to paint them up shortly.
In the pipleine are also one Dreadnought, two captians, two ten-man killteams (one of them an all Space Wolves team)  and two five-man Terminator killteams standing waiting to be primed.
And yet there are more waiting to be assembled...

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