onsdag 25. april 2018

Kharadron update...

I have been working for a few more days on my Grundstok Gunhauler, and there are some progress.
There have been a few changes from my original plan along the way, but all to the better I think.

After the first layer of Stormhost Silver on the domes I was afraid my idea of using silver instead of gold would crash and burn, but after I applied a second coat it actually turned out quite well.

I had planned to make the hulls on all my ships  Eshin Gray, Stormhost Silver and Abaddon Black, but I replaced the Eshin Gray with The Fang (a light grey/blue color) and it was so much better.

Right now I am working at painting details and cleaning up the larger surfaces. Then I will add the washes I need and the drybrush, before I can glue the two pieces together.

I have been thinking long and hard as to how I would like to make the bases for this army. I believe I have landed on a solution to use the same technique as for my Deathwatch and Custodian armies in 40K. Astrogranite bases (like I have for all my Dwarfs/Duardin) but glazed with Guilliman Blue and then drybrushed Longbeard Gray. This leaves bases that could look a bit like clouds or magic, and both works well with the Kharadron army.

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