mandag 9. juli 2018

Imperial Knights, Orks and more Deathwatch

Lets start with an update on the Deathwatch. I am just missing one killteam of 10 Marines, and a few characters now, and then the entire army is assembled. It's far from finished, but it is assembled and that is a good start and also a first for me.

The last killteam is still on sprues, and I will start to work on them after work on Monday. Depending on how much else there is to do around the house, they will either be done Monday or Tuesday.
Then I have a Primaris Apothecary left to assemble.
I am missing one Chaplain, and he is ordered from Games Workshop so he will be built some time next week.
I would like one more Apothecary, but I'm not sure who that should be. I have the Primaris one and a Terminator, but would have liked one in regular armor as well. I am sure I can find a command squad box to take him from somewhere in my storage, but I also have two resin ones from Forgeworld that stands partially assembled in a box by my workspace. So maybe I will take one of those. I'll figure it out in the near future I guess.
The Terminator Apothechary was quite fiddly to build, as he had a shoulder guard already molded on his shoulder where the Deathwatch one should be. I spent a lot of time with my knife cutting away, but I had to mind some bits that needed to be there and because of this the new shoulder guard going on needed some modification too. Hopefully the flaws I see on him now will look less obvious after he's primed and painted. I might have to use a little Greenstuff on the new shoulderguard to make it look good.

About half my Deathwatch army (probably a little more) is primed and ready for painting, and the rest are waiting to be primed. So I have a lot of painting to do in the coming weeks and months.
In between the painting I will also build some of the flyers and vehicles for the army, but they are expensive, so I plan to add to these nice and slow in the future.

When everything is primed, I will go over the killteams and make sure that they all are legal according to the rules, and that they fit the fluff for Deathwatch. I know I will have to move some Marines around, as I've been told that the Space Wolves usually operate in pairs in killteams. Also I will try to spread the special weapons equally around in the army unless I have a killteam that I would like to give a special mission.

While working on painting my Deathwatch army, I will also work on painting my Orks. I am thinking of making an Ork layout for Armies on Parade (AoP) for 2018, so I will need to paint up a bunch of them.
I will describe the idea closer in a later blogpost, but I'd like to use some of the units I have modified myself like the Grot tanks I have built and primed and the walkers I'm planning on making in the near future. Also I plan to have Da Punisha, my Punisher inspired Stompa, as a centerpiece for the board. Maybe I should also add another Stompa, with modifications on the weapons and with a belly-gun. I think time will tell if that will happen or not. I know I will have such a Stompa for my Ork army in the future, but I am not sure if it will be on my AoP board or not.

Also there is a new Imperial codex out. This is for the Knights, and there are also some very nice new models that have been released for this codex. I have bought a few of the new Knights, and plan to have an army built in due time. The knights are really big models and will almost certainly be seen as centerpiece models when put on the table, so I will take my time and practice on some of the smaller and older knights and built the army a little over time. My idea is to find a colorscheme that will look great for several knights, so that I can have my own knightly house. I know there are so many people building the knights that are described in the codex or in official 40K canon, and a lot of these people will do this better than me. So if I come up with my own house then nobody will be able to compare mine to others directly. And most of the existing houses are white, red or blue, so those colors are not my ideal choices. White is really hard to paint, I have a lot of blue in my Marines and Grey Knights (don't ask) and red needs to be very layered and "shiny" in order to look good on the big areas on the knight armor.
The one thing I know about the knights so far is that I will have yellow and black hazard stripes on the canopy on all of them, so I will work that in to my color scheme.
The only knight that might not get this is the Freeblade built on the Canis Rex model. This I plan to paint black and call him the Black Knight.

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