onsdag 1. mai 2019

New Super Heavy tank in the making...

This is the hull for my second Baneblade Super Heavy tank. I had sort of forgotten that I started writing this post, so now it is waiting to be painted up after I primed it this afternoon.
This Baneblde has been given the name "Steel Fury" and will be commanded by Captain James Johnston Pettigrew. This picture gives an impression of how big these tanks really are as there are Imperial Guard officers standing on each side of it.

On the left of the tank is Captain William Joseph Hardee, he is nicknamed "Old Reliable" and is the commanding officer of the 1st Ratling Auxillia who is part of the 1st Abhuman Regiment.
He is armed with a sniper rifle and is an expert marksman. One needs to be in order to have the respect of the Ratling snipers. 
On the right is a fellow captain, but I am not yet sure who he is or what regiment he serves with. 

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