søndag 6. september 2020

Imperial Guard Leman Russ Vanquisher

This is the Leman Russ Vanquisher Hand of Steel, under the command of Colonel William Tecumseh Sherman. Sherman is the commander of the 2nd Armored Regiment, and is a true tank ace. In games I will run him with the Knight Commander Pask rules, as this gives some special abilities.

This tank has the powerful Vanquisher cannon, and it is a quite rare version of the Leman Russ. This tank also has side sponsons armed with plasma cannons. Colonel Sherman is standing in the turret. 

The tank also has a dozerblade with wide hazard stripes. 

Here we see the tank from the side, and as we can see the side panels indicating squad has a golden bronze color, indicting that this is a command vehicle. Here we can see how long the Vanquisher cannon is, and we also see the lascannon sticking out in the front just above the dozerblade. 

This is what it looks like from behind. As we see the exhaust pipes has the same colors as the pipes on the Super Heavy tanks. We can also see that this tank has a flag, and that is because it is the tank of the tank ace Sherman.

Here we see a little more closeup picture of the flag. It is a sort of a griffin or something in the same golden bronze as the squad markings on the turret. Then it is mountains painted in the same gray as the tank, and a small sun peeking over the mountains near the end of the flag.

I am not sure where the flag is from, I got it from raiding the bitbox at my local Games Workshop store in Oslo when they wanted to clean out their bitz. I didn't know what army it originates from, but my best guess will be one of the Elf armies in Warhammer Fantasy (what is no known as Age of Sigmar).

I've been debating with myself a lot on how I should field my command segment, but right now I am thinking of having three tanks so that they can drive in a wedge formation, and then add a command Chimera with the regimental Commissar and a unit of Stormtroopers.
I already have the Chimera assembled and partially painted, so I hope there is not too long before I can present it here.

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