søndag 4. oktober 2020

What now?

I managed to finish my 3000 points painting pledge with Games Workshop Oslo. I had planned to have lots of infantry in those points, but saw that if I wanted to complete in time I needed units that gave more points so I skipped normal infantry and painted up an Ogryn bodyguard and a unit of Ogryns with ripperguns. That means I still have plenty of Infantry to paint up, but I also have lots of tanks. 

I don't think I've shown off the Ogryns with ripperguns here yet, but I will in just a few days.

Just a few days ago I got two boxes of Ogryns from Necromunda, they are called a Slave Ogryn Gang and each box contain 6 Ogryns. They have equipment made for working, like welding gloves, power lifter gloves, other welders tools and wrenches.  So I plan to use them in my Imperial Guard army as Ogryn mechanics. I would love to build and paint these as soon as possible to get them in to my army.

One other thing that I really want to paint up are my Necron army, and I have started on them  and found the paint scheme that I would like to use. I am making my own Dynasty so it is my own paintscheme.

So far I am working to paint up a Canoptek Wraith to the look I want. Most of it is done, but I am working on the details. When I am satisfied with it I will transfer that look to the rest of the painted minis and to the ones not built or not primed yet.

One of the minis I am working on now is Illuminator Szeras from the new Necron range.

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