lørdag 29. oktober 2022

More progress

I've managed to get more work done on the Squats today, so I expect they will be finished tomorrow. What remains now is to wash and drybrush the bases and then paint the rims. 
The gold with a red contrast paint over them turned out quite well.

I will post better pictures when the bases are done, but here you can see how the lenses turned out. It is Retributor Armor gold with one layer of Blood Angels red on top.

I went to my storage facility today with two big bags of models that I haven't gotten around to assemble yet, some big boxed sets and all of my boxes of Horus Heresy sets. I like the 30K sets a lot and would love to build and paint them, but for the moment I think I should focus on what I have started. That means the Sons of Behemat first, but also my Cities of Sigmar and my Imperial Guard units. 
I have also kept my Knightkits here, as I would like to finish my Chaos Knights and maybe even build some Imperials.  At the moment I have started to put the base for my partially finished Chaos Knight together. I glued some cork to the base with Gorilla grlue today, but it seem to take a long time to dry so I will look at it tomorrow. 

While at the Storage facility I also brought back my Stompa that I plan to build with a bellygun and the two finished gargants that I finished earlier. 
Here is a pic of the Mancrushers that I have assembled and started to paint so far, the finished one is in the back. And on the right is the finished Gatebreaker. I plan to make him a new base, so that I can put King Brood on that base. I also have two more Mancrushers that are assembled but I haven't gotten around to painting them yet. 

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