lørdag 15. oktober 2022

Space Dwarfs in the making

I have started to paint my Necromunda Squats and really like the colors I have used so far. And because I like them, I plan to try and use the same colors on my Leagues of Votann. 
It is a quite simple colorscheme, based on gray and green. It will look a little different on the two armies, as their armor is a little different but the basics are the same.
The suits are dark gray and the armor is green.. Then they have black boots and protectors and brown leather gloves and leather details. Their weapon will be metal with dark green gun casings.
I decided I wanted their helmets to be the same color as their armor, but I gave them all a khorne red stripe down the middle. 
The skin on their faces I plan to paint as I have found to work with my Giants for Age of Sigmar, and I hope that will work even on those small faces. That means Bugmans Glow followed by a layer of Guilliman Flesh.Then they will have yellow beards (all of them) and I need to find a color to paint the eye protection/sunglases that they seem to wear. I might just go black on them, but I will try and see what other people have done and see if I get some tips.

For the Leagues of Votann there will be a little more difference in the units, as they wear more varied clothing. But still I plan to stick with the colors I have for my Squats for those parts that are the same, and then I'll need to find new colors for the special gear they have. Like I have some of them wearing bomber jackets of leather lined with fur, and they have a priest wearing some sort of robes. The great variation in kits have not been released yet, so I have a lot of time to think out how I want to do the more special things, and also how I want to paint up their vehicles when they are released. But I think I will see how the guncasings on the Squats turn out, and if it looks good then I might use that same dark green for my vehicles.

Also today I orded the new battletome for the Sons of Behemat, and I look forward to finding out how that army will work with the new rules and the point values for the different units. I figure the army I have is between 3500 and 4000 points with 4 Mega gargants (one of them the king) and 12 Mancrusher or Aleguzzler gargants (the ones who used to be caled Giants back in the days). I will decide jut what kind of Gargants the diffrent ones are when I see the new rules. 
I am also considering adding more of the smaller gargants to the army sometime in the future, but it won't be for a while as there are so many nice models out there and I need to spend a little less money then I have done in the past on models so I need to see what comes out when. 
As for painting things goes well. I have one Mega gargant all finished and one primes, the remaining two needs to be built. The smaller giants I have one that is all finished, three I need to build, ttwo tht is primed, and the rest have gotten both their skin and their pants painted. Some of them also have more details done, like woden parts like cages, clubs, ale barrels and so on. When my first unit of Squats are painted, I will keep working on the Gargnts.

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