fredag 12. januar 2024

Beginning of the year update. for AoS

In the last post I talked about the situation for some of my 40K armies, but I think we need to mention some of the AoS armies as well... 

The first army I need to mentin is the only army that is "finished" when it comes to building, and that is the Sons of Behemat army. I have all the gargants built, and they are in a various state of painting. I think this is the "easiest" army to finish (if you ever really finish an army) and get them all painted up. If I remember correctly that army consists of 4 Mega-Gargants and 15 Mancrusher Gargants and I think they would look really awesome on the tabletop, although I don't think it would be possible to use them all in a game at the same time as I think that is a ton of points. A lot more than the 1500-2000 that is normal for a game. But then my main idea of the minis has never been to have playable armies but to collect what I like but have leagal minis I can use in a game if I feel like it. And all the Gargants are leagal to use in games either as an army of the Sons of Behemat or as allies in other armies. I Hope I manage to finish a lot more of these models in 2024. 

The Cities of Sigmar is another AoS army that I have gotten off to a "wrong"start with. I bought lots of units and decided  to build my Cities of Sigmar army during 2022 as a "New year - new army" project and I even fiddles around with the thought of fielding them in Armies on PArade that year. I haven't finished painting a single unit yet, but I am very close to finishing my first Steamtank now.
I do have some finished Dwarf units from earlier that I just plan to repaint the bases on. But I have many ideas for this army, and at the end of 2023 Games Workshop released a whole new range of models for this army, and I have some of them and will probably get more as time passes.
I have lots of love for this army, and at the same time I would love to be able to use this both for AoS and for Oldhammer if possible as some of the minis I use for this army is the old Bretonnians that has gotten a re-release in Oldhammer now, and also many of my units are from the Empire range before they were replaced by Games Workshop with the release of the new range. Since I mostly have minis to collect and enjoy building and painting (and converting) I will use the units as I see fit This is an army where it is possible for me to make up a lot of backstory and fluff for the units and characters, and I would love to implement a lot of the characters and plans from my old Dungeons & Dragons past in this.

The third AoS army that needs to be mentiones is the Ogors. They have been a passion for a long time, and I belive I have a lot of models for this army in storage somewhere that I haven't rediscoveed yet. I seem to remember I had a lot of different Maneaters. This army have only one unit that is done, but several units that are in the final stage of painting. The models stand out a bit as they have a much darker skin tone compared to my other aries, and they also have snow/ice bases as the only army in my collection. I hope to finish more modles for this army during the year, but I am not sure it will be a "complete" army by this time next year. But I hope to get to work on them a lot and have fun with it.

The final army I feel like mentioning in this post as the Gloomspite Gitz. As stated before I like to think that I thought about a Gloomspite Gitz army way before Games Workshiop invented the name and made it a playable army (Inever used the term Gloomspite Gitz though, to me they were a mostly goblin based army with some trolls added to the mix and maybe some garagants...

This is an army I work on on and off, and I hope to be able to give this army some love as well for 2024. I love goblins and have so many ideas of what I would like to to to them.

There are several other armies for Aos as well, but we will come back to them at a later time.

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