søndag 21. januar 2024

First bi-weekly update of the year

I built The Red Gobbo's Suprice before Cristmas and have almost finished painting him. I hope to have him done by the next update.
I have also bult Imotekh The Stormlord for the Necrons and Grotmas Gitz (also known as the Black Gobbo) for the Gloomspite Gitz. But because of the extreme cold we've had here in Norway I haven't been able to prime them yet. So I plan to build a few more models so I have enough to fill a box that I use when I prime. 
Today I started building the first of the new units from the Cities of Sigmar series, and I stated with the unit called Freeguild Command Corps. Today i built 3 of the 6 figures and I plan to build the final 3 tomorrow. 
I like the way the new models look, and I plan to build a regular unit next, the Freeguild Steelhelms. 
I think the new models look more military than some of the old units and I will see how I end up arranging my army. I would love to have strict military units with perfect uniforms and strict dicipline, and some more militia type units that fight just as fierce. 

The next units I plan to build will be the Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy and then the Pontifex Zenestra Matriarch of the Great Wheel. 

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