fredag 12. januar 2024

New year - new minis

The calendar has turned to January 2024. That means it is the time to make big pledges and promises for the new year, but I have learned and will not do that. 

However, I do hope to get to work more on my models in 2024 than I managed in 2023. And I do plan to document the process better.

At the moment I have started to paint the Stompa I started to build in October, and I plan to make it look like it has been on the battlefield for a while. It will have armorplates in black, metal and yellow, possibly also some red ones, and I plan to weather them with rust. Getting the Stompa painted is the first priority, but I would also like to make a support vehicle that transports extra barrels of promethium that is used to keep the big flamer firing. I was thinking of using one of the old Trukks that I field as War buggies, but I have to see how many barrels I can stack on the flatbed before I make final decitions. Another idea might be to use the looted Cargo-8 Ridgehauler for that purpose, but I think that might be needed elsewhere in the big army. I could also use more than one War buggy if needed I guess, as I do have a selection of them. 

Already I have 3 Trukks / War buggies that serve as mobile rocket launchers, and I am very happy with them. I have them stored at my cabin, but I am thinking of bringing them home, so that I can have all my finished models in one spot. 

Another army that I hope to arm with Cargo-8 Ridgehaulers are my Imperial Guard (Astra Militarum). I always have a lot of minis for this army in various stages of painting and the start of this year is no different. One of the models I look forward to finishing here is my Valkyrie, it has been standing half built for way too long. A lot of it was because I was missing a sprue, but since I "borrowed" that missing piece from my other unbuilt Valkyrie I have what I need to get the job done. 

I also have lots of troops and tanks for this army primed or partially painted, and I would love to see this army grow in 2024 in the form of finished models.

The army I had the biggest plans for many years ago was the Space Marines, I had planned to make a full chapter, and I think I have more than 100 Terminators in various stages of painting and assembly around in my various storage spaces as well as a whole lot of regular marines and also some of the newer Primaris stuff.
I would love to see this army get some love in 2024 as well. At the moment I am almost done painting up a Marine with a flamer that I got as a figure of the month from the Warhammer Store. I have chosen the colors in the current Citadel paint range that I think looks most similar to the original idea I had for the army, and peinting him gave me a little boost to try to do more with this army. I have lots of cool Terminators that originally came with the Space Hulk board game, and some of them also have Tyranid pieces on them, so it would be cool to get them painted and paint the Tyranids like I paint my Tyranid army.

And speaking ot the Tyranids, I still have lots of Tyranids to finish, both assembling and painting to get that army up and going. I actually managed to finish a few units in 2023, and I look forward to keep on working with this army in 2024.

There are lots of other armies that I have for 40K and Necromunda as well, but I will have to come back to them at a later time, as this post is beginning to be too long already.

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