tirsdag 19. august 2008

building update

This is the guard shack that will stand beside the tower when it's done.
The building is not complete, but I've got most of it done so I thought it might be ok to use the pic to show the progress since the last post.
This building can also be on top of the tower, but I think it looks better standing beside the path leading up to the door of the tower.
At the moment I have primed the guard shack and the temple, and have gotten the roofs on the buildings. The chapel has been modified so I could have both an attic window and a chimney. This also helped me plug the hole in the roof that was designed to be damage. With a hole in the roof people would be able to look in to the building, and then I would have to do something with the interior. Instead I closed up the windows by gluing dark yellow paper behind the open window holes. This has two functions: 1 - it creates the impression that there is a light inside, and 2 - it prevents people from looking in and seeing that the building is an empty shell.

The remaining steps on the building now is to drybrush the walls with a darker grey to create some texture on the walls. Already I have painted the cracks in the wall and the space between the bricks and tiles black to create the impression of shadows and give some depth, but when I drybrush the walls they will look much more like a normal wall and not like a flat surface.
The roofs and the big wood parts (roof and pillars on the watchtower) will be drybrushed with light brown to create the impressoin of wood.
Also I will add some fine static grass to the lower parts of the walls to create some moss to make it seem like the buildings are rather old.

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