mandag 11. august 2008

What's going on?

There's been a long time since the last update, but even so I haven't been totally inactive.
I've completed my veteran Space Marine devastator as far as I can for now. I will do a little more detailing on him when I put his markings on, and when I find a short motto to write on his shoulderguard.
My space marine scouts armed with shotguns are also completed. They still need their markings, but they will be added at a later time.
As with all the former Space Marines I've built, these lot have also gotten the black quartz rock on the bases.

My Goblin Fanatics are awaiting the finishing touches on the extra stuff to add on the bases along with the Fanatics.

Recently I've started to build two buildings as the beginning of a small village. It's the Citadel Miniature chapel and watch tower. My thought is to build the rest of the buildings from scratch, and also make a small graveyard on a hill beside the chapel. the first plan now is to practise drybrushing and shadowing on the two buidlings I already have, and then I'll take it from there.

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