torsdag 6. november 2014

The Waaagh! is comming!

As promised, here are some pics of the finished minis for my Ork army.

First out is the Big Boss, and leader of the Waaagh! Big Boss Hazza Hoff, and his squig Hoobi.
As you might see on the pictures they are both missing eyes for the moment, but they will get their eyes as soon as I have practised on some regular orks that will be parts of big groups.

I chose to paint him red with yellow details, as I have 3 main colours in my Ork army, red, yellow and black. With the red paint he stands out a bit in a crowd, and being so huge he will be easy to spot on the battlefield for all his fellow orks (and the enemy but an ork don't bother with that).

I also finished the Trukk, this will be followed by more trukks in the future, bur for now this is my only one. It is black with red and yellow details. Both the assault ramps can be lowered and raised, but apart from that there are not much moving parts.

This set had a lot of details, and took a long time to paint. Still, I think it turned out pretty good in the end...

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