mandag 3. november 2014

What to build next...

Last week I finished the last details on my Chaos Space Marine "snap-tite" trio. They still need wash and basework, but who doesn't these days. I also got to paint the last details on to my first two Ork Meganobz and glue the wires to the teleportation device on my first Big Mek.

I have started on my Chaos Lord in Terminator armour and decided what parts to use for him. I have glued his body and legs together, and glued that onto the built-up base that came with the box.
Today I will see if I can add spikes on his back, and glue the arms on. I will see if the arms get in the way of the body, and if they do I will have to wait with one or both arms. I have already decided to wait with the head and the cape.
I plan to assemble a unit of five chaos terminators together with the lord. I might even make all 10 at the same time. It depends a bit on how much I can assemble before I finish the painting.
My plan is that all the terminators will have as much horns as possible, and at least one weapon with a chainsaw in it. Either a chainfist or a gun of some sort with a chain blade on it. That is one thing that looks really scary on the chaos miniatures, and I will do my best to make that for as many chaos models as possible.
Also I love the terminator heads with horns, so I will have horns on as many Chaos space marines as possible, some will have to go without, but I will use thoise heads first. For the terminators I think I can get "tusks" on eight of them as well as the Lord, and then two of them will get more like rhino horns.I know there is a really cool head inthe Terminator Lord box, with high metal horns, and if it don't look too futuristic I can use it on a khorne Lord in my Chaos FB army. If it looks really futuristic I might put in on a champion somewhere in my 40K Chaos army.

Hopefully I can restrain myself from starting yet another project and instead paint up some of the many minis I have allready started. But I fear I might end up with one more project...
Still, I need to get all bought boxes assembled so that might not be too bad.

I will try to get some pics of my Ork bikers, the two Meganobz and Big Mek Gyvver and his trusted Grot oiler. Also of Big Boss Hazza Hoff and the finished Trukk.
I think that will be one of my tasks for this week, to update you with pics of the beginning of the Green Waaagh!

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