torsdag 1. januar 2015

Happy new year! Revisiting "old" projects...

For several weeks I have not been able to sit down and do much in the workshop. Life has just been too busy with everything else going on at work and with other hobbies.
But I have managed to do a little bit of painting here and there, and these last few days I have gotten to do a bit.
My Tempestus Scions are slowly comming along, but there are lots of details so it takes a lot of time. The banner is the only thing that is completely finished. I used 7 different colours on it, but only 6 are visible as one was used to give the white the right look.
Then colour number 8 was used on the banner pole.
The Scions themselves will also end up with 8 colours or more, so I apply one colour and while it dries I do another project.

The Chaos Terminators also gets a little paint from time to time, and so far I have one that I can say is about done, while the others still need to get their weapons and some small details painted, but they are comming along even though it goes slow.

One of the old projects mentioned in the title of this blog is my Hydra Flak tank. It was really standing around waiting for a nice day when I could take it outside and prime it black, but I decided not to wait any longer so I painted it by hand instead. That also ment I could go on with the building, and status now is that alle the parts except from the second crew member is assembled. The Hydra itself is about 80% painted, and the only things missing to glue on is the cannons (they are assembled but will need some paint before I add them on, the gunner/driver needs to be fitted, and the second crew member needs to be assembled (but with him it is also a matter of painting some parts before assembly).
I do the Hydra in the scheme I have thought up for chimera based chassies, and that is Adeptus Standard Gray with Abaddon Black details on the side skirts. The ring around the front hatch is Dark Angels Green (or Caliban Green, don't remember what name is the current one), and the hatch itself is black.

Since the first tank I painted got a yellow ring around the turret, I thought it would be nice to give another colour to the artillery pieces in the army.

I think this colour scheme will be used for the tanks as wel from now on, but I will have to see how I can get the black details to fit on their side skirts as they are different from the Chimera based chassies.

The second and much older project that I revisited is the Citadel wood that i started on ages ago. I had only glued the two parts of the trees together, so today I gave the trees some love and care and went over all the cracks with liquid greenstuff and glued all the branches on to the trees.
The idea is to use a lot of leaves, as may as I can fit on to the trees. I have all the leaves from the wood that I used to make my haunted forrest presented in an earlier blog post, so I have plenty of leaves.
So far I haven't started to glue the leaves on, but I plan to start with that after work tomorrow, or at least some time during the weekend.

As usual, pictures will follow when I have actually finished something...

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