mandag 23. februar 2015

More progress

Ended the day yesterday with basing 3 Cadian heavy weapon teams. I used Stirland Mud texture paint, to make some nice and muddy bases. The teams have built up their fortifications with Tamya 1:35 sandbags that they managed to find (think I need to keep my warhammer stuff away from my scale models from now on), and I had originally given the sandbags a wash of nuln oil, but that does not look too god after it has dried, so I will repaint the sandbags and give them a devlan mud wash instead.

My Chaos Space Marine Terminators are done, all that remain with them now is adding bases (black aquarium rocks) and going over the models to fix flaws in the paintjobs.
Hopefully I can have them ready before Saturday, as I would like to show them off in a painting competition at Games Workshop (but if it is allowed I might show off my heavy weapon teams instead).

I went a little crazy with my Chaos Black spray yesterday, and all the scenery I have built is now basecoated black. Well, almost everything as some of the small corners remains unpainted. There were a few spots I missed, but I am now all out of black spray, so either I will have to live with the basing I did yesterday, or I will have to redo some of the scenery when new spray is in the house next weekend. I'll probably redo it, as I ned to spray some tanks anyway.

I have also assembled my first Hellhound, and that was a mixed experience. The set is beautiful, but I had some issues with getting the top to sit right, so I will need to work some greenstuff magic on it.
I have three more to make, so hopefully it was just a flaw on the one I assembled yesterday...

Pictures will follow as the basing is done and the tanks and buildings are painted up.

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