tirsdag 3. februar 2015

New month, new progress...

I still haven't finished any more minis since the last update, but hopefully this will change soon...

I have painted the uniforms and boots of my Abhuman command squad, and the next step will be to paint the skin and weapons.
My Ogre standard bearer has also gotten his standard painted, but I am still wondering about what kind of text or image to paint on to the base colour.

I haven't painted much more on my Scions, but I have glued the servo scull to the Tempestor Prime. The plan is to work more on these in the following days.

One unit (or rather two) that has gotten a lot of work though, are the Bullgryns. I have five of them armed with battle mauls and suppression shieds, and I have come a long way on these. Their pants, boots and armour are done, and I have just a few more details left to finish their shields.
Then I need to paint their skin, the heads with gas masks, some singlets (wife beaters) and belts. I also need to find out what colours I'd like to have on their battle mauls.

The three Bullgryns with grenadier gauntlets and slab shields are even closer to completion as they already have their skin painted. All I am missing there is the singlets, belts and straps and eight yellow stripes on each slab shield.

Then all the Bullgryns will get extra equipment like ammo pouches, water cans (jerry cans) and grenades. This will be fitted after the painting is done, and depending on how the poses make this possible.

The Chaos Space Marine Terminators are also comming along. They all have at least one arm attached to their torso, and the painting of the weapons are almost complete. I have one more session with the metallics before I can add the second arm to all of them, and then I have to add and paint shoulderguards and some spikes and do some detail painting of chains and some silver details on the outside of their gloves.

I have also gotten well on my way with the Commissar that's assigned to the Abhuman Auxilia, he has his torso assembled and painted in base colours. I need to do some detail painting in his chest and shoulders, and paint and glue on his arms and head.

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