onsdag 25. mai 2016

Chaos startset comming along

Yesterday I watched a video of Duncan at Games Workshop TV painting the Mighty Lord of Khorne, and he recommended keeping the lord and the hound separate for the painting process. If I'd only seen that video one day earlier...
But I will do my best painting it as one piece. There should be enough space to get to all parts of the miniature, even though it might be a little tight in between the two characters. But I am not going for the insane level of details that Duncan paints, so I am sure I will manage. I will try to use a few of the techniques he showed in the video though, as I think it will increase my level of painting quite significantly if I manage.
Watching that video I found the third color I've been on the lookout for to use on the Migthy Skullcrushers (and other minis where I need more than two colors), so next time I am at Games Workshop Oslo I will pick up a pot and be on my way. The third color will be Eshin Gray, it is a dark gray layer paint, and in the video it went nicely with the Khorne Red that is the main color, especially with a Nuln Oil wash.

I have been able to assemble more of the models from the startset, and progress is coming along nicely. I am rather busy the rest of the evenings this week, so I don't think I will finish everything until some time next week though.
The only thing that's not assembled now are the Bloodreavers, and that's twenty miniatures. They don't have more than two or three parts to glue together for each miniature, but it takes a little time cutting them off the sprues and removing moldlines (although the casting is quite good so there are not too much moldlines on them).

I have assembled the Mighty Lord as mentioned above, one Bloodsecrator, one Bloodstoker, five Blood Warriors and Khorgorath (Is it just me or are there a lot of blood in the names for this product line...)

Khorgorath is worth an extra mention here, as he is the AoS version of the 40K Hellbrute. I like the mini in general, but I feel there is something terribly wrong with his head. I don't feel that it matches the rest of the mini really. But it's not that easy to modify either, as the model comes in a pre-arranged pose and without spares. I would love if Games Workshop came with a Khorgorath model in a single box that could be posed and detailed like the builder would like (and with different head options), as it could be cool to have a group of these advancing over the battlefield.

In addition to the startset I have one box each of Bloodreavers and Blood Warriors. I'm not sure how to set up the units of the Blood Warriors yet, but I am thinking of having two units as one unit of fifteen might be too unbalanced in a game. I'll most likely use one unit of five and one of ten. The reason for this, is that there are some weapon options you only get to use in a unit of ten or more, and I would really like to be able to use what I can. The five man unit will be without command, while the ten man unit will have a command group with a standard bearer and a champion (doesn't seem to be an option for a musician for this unit).

The Bloodreavers will be two units of twenty each, Their stats say they are units of ten or more, so if I have to I can split them down to four ten man units, but then only two of the units will have command. I will build each twenty man unit with a command group with a Chieftain, musician (hornblower) and icon bearer. Hopefully there is a choice of icons so the units can have different ones.
The Bloodreavers really seems to me to be the Khorne version of the old Chaos Marauders, so I will try and keep that in mind when painting them up.

For both the Bloodwarriors and Blood Reavers, I plan to mix minis from the startset and the separate boxes in each unit, to make the units as dynamic as possible.

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