onsdag 9. august 2023

Just a small Tyranid update

I had to go to my local Warhammer store yesterday to pick up the Minka Lesk figure I had ordered a few weeks back. I got two so I plan to make one as a sergeant and one as a lieutennant or captain. The figure comes with at least two weapon options (maybe more as I haven't studied the sprues, just looked at the box art) so it will be quite asy to make two different looking models that doesn't appear to be the same person. Both will serve with the Walpurgian 3rd in the 27th Infantry regiment.

While I was there I also got some more paints for my Tyranid army. I think I have mentioned in here earlier that I wand the big 'nids to have a slightly darker carapace and the small to have lighter, and I belive I have worked out how to do it now. One solution could be to just use a heavier wash on the big ones, butthat would also give them a different look so instead I decided to get 3 shades of purple. I don't remember the names right now as I'm not in the same building as my paintstation at the moment, but I will present them when I show off WIP pictures.

The idea now is that the Neurogaunts (the small verson of the Termagaunts) will have the lightest carapace, and I think I will also see if I can use this color of some of the carapace on the "arms" of the bigger Tyranids as that armor is probably softer than the thick one on the back. I also think I will use it on the two small Neuroloids that come with the Neurotyrant and on the Ripper swarms.

The most common sizes will be painted Genestealer Purple, that is the main creatures of the army, the Termagaunts, but probably also on the body carapace of the Barbgaunts, the Von Ryan's Leapers (they have nore carapace but are about the same size) and the Tyranid Prime.
For the Tyranid Prime I might use Genestealer purple for the carapace and then the lighter purple on the skin between the bones in the wings but I will have to see what the lighter color looks like when I get it on the Neurogaunts before I make the final decition.

The Neurotyrant, Screamer-Killer, and Psychophage will ge the darkest purple, and I will also use that on other big beasts that will be released and aquired later. 

I will need to add another color, maybe a contrasting one for some parts on some of the creatures. The small Neurogaunts and the bigger Barbgqunts have symbiotic creatures attached to them, and I will have to see what colors I should paint them. For the Barbgaunst I think I will use the same dark purple that I use for the weapons on the Termagaunts as their sympioctic creature is a weapon. For the Neurogaunts I really don't have any idea yet, but maybe I will find inspiration looking on pictures of other painted minis or something comes to me as I sit and paint the other colors on them. 

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