onsdag 30. august 2023

re-visiting an old army and Tyranid update

I haven't been able (as usual) to paint as much as I would like, as I am busy two evenings each week playing the trombone, and also this Saturday (weekends are usually the time I get most Warhammer work done) I played a gig with one of my Big Bands together with a big reed-group from the local music school.

But I have actually almost finished something...

The Neurotyrant just needs a final looking over and maybe some clean-up. Also I need to paint some rust on the pipe it stands on on the base. This will be done with a pice of packing material and brown and silver colors and I will do this next sitting.
The two Neuroloids that comes with it are done. I will post pictures when the Neurotyrant is done too.

The Neurogaunts (both the synapsis creature and the 10 bodyguards) are as good as done, they need their final checkup to see if clean-up is needed before I call them finished.

The same status can be said for the 2 Ripper Swarms, they are also just awaiting their final check-up before I call them done.

I have put on the first coat of dark purple on the carapace of the Screamer-Killer, and the next plan here is to add the whilte (bone) color and then paint a second layer of dark purple to make sure the carapace is nice and clean and then the remaining colors will be added.

I made myself a "test" model of a Barbgaunt and a Von Ryan's Leaper and they are comming along nicely. The main colors (body, carapace and claws) are painted on as well as the eyes. But this is just one for each type, and there are 5 Barbgaunts and 3 Von Ryan's Leapers in total. Also I added another box of 5 Barbgaunts to the collection and this box needs to be painted up after I have assembled and primed it.

The 20 Termagaunts are still only primed, and I plan to batchpaint these in units of 5, but I might take more than one batch at the time. The plan is to add a color to one batch, then do the same to a second batch and the second color to the first. That way I will have nice progress and I don't get bored painting the same things all the time and then they will be finished 5 at the time.

The Psychophage is started on, I have painted the inside of the mouth (not the teeth but the purplish gums) and the "gills" but I am still debating what color to paint the "smoke" comming up from the chimney-like towers on its back.
I am currently thinking some sort of sickly green to make it a contrasting color while still looking nasty.

To do something else than Tyranids I started to put together a unit of Chaos Warriors for my AoS Chaos army. This is a quite new box of Slaves to Darkeness and they are armed with large axes and shields. The shield design istotally different from my older Chaos Warriors. They come in a box of 10, and I am making them with full command, then I will chek the rulebook and see how many of them can be in a unit to check if one box = one unit or if I should make larger units. Only thing I found so far is that all models in the unit need the same kind of weapons.

I wanted to make this new box to see how they compare to the older plastic Chaos Warriors that I have quite a lot of. So far I think it is the same issue as we have with "1st generetion" Space Marines compared to the Primaris where the new Chaos Warriors are like the Primaris when it comes to size.
It bothers me a bit, but not more than that. I will just keep them in separate units and say that the people from one part of the Chaos realms are just slightly taller than the rest. 

I intend to re-visit my box of partially painted Chaos Warriors of the old type that I have given shiny armor and painted them with the appropriate color for their chaos gods and use contrast paint over their shiny metal armor instead of the washes I used now. This will give them much brighter colors and I feel especially the Khorne warriors were bleak with the wash I used. They are just sligly pink colored metal but with contrast they will be bright red metallic and that seems more fitting for warriors of Khorne. Then I will see how the other looks, but I think it is best to give them all the same treatment but with different contrast colors so I reacon I will do the same with green and purple.

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