tirsdag 29. juli 2008

Space Marines Update

After reading some more in the Space Marine Codex, it is clear that I must rethink my scouts a little from the last post. It is clearly stated that a scout unit is only allowed 1 heavy weapon in each unit, so I will have to rethink my teams a little.
Probably the sniper unit will consist either of one more sniper, making the team 7 snipers and a missile launcher (team led by a sniper sergeant). Then I will use the high risk entry unit as earlier stated as this only consist of a heavy bolter and regular weapons.
This leaves me with both a heavy bolter and a missile launcher to go with the remaining troops, hopefully I can get that to be two teams. If not, I have to go for anther boxed set or a blister or two to comlete yet another unit.

As for my regular Space Marines I've decided to make my first devastator a member of the 4th company, and the space marine I build now (the one from ebay) will probably be a veteran of the 1st Company (unless the rules stop me again, then he will be reassigned to the 4th).

The production of scouts and the devastator is going well, only the small detailing and the creation of the bases left. I figure I'll have them done by the end of this week, or early next week at the latest. Then I can start creating more space Marine troops, so that I get a playable army.

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