onsdag 12. januar 2011

The pledge...

These last two years I have taken a pledge to paint more miniatures than I buy.
Two years ago I was way off, but last year I think I almost made the pledge. Only thing that tipped me over I think was the new towers, as they are much larger than a regular miniature.

For 2011 I will not take a pledge, as I see how slow I am with painting, and I know there are a lot of nice miniatures out there and more to come...

Just read yesterday that Grey Knights are comming in April, both a new codex and new miniatures. The existing ones are pretty cool, but all metal. Now they will be released in plastic, so I am quite sure that some Grey Knights will find their way to my basement worktable this spring.

Also, there seem to be some new goblin stuff on the way if rumors are right, and even though I have plenty of Goblins to paint, it is always nice to have a wide varitey of minis for the army as an all Goblin army can look rather dull if you have mostly the same minis. When you need units 40-60 strong it is nice to have something to break up the monotony.

Dwafs will probably also get some new minis, if the picures in the rulebook for 8th ed. is something to go by, and I like to think so...

Also, I saw a great post on the Warhammer Forum the other day, where a guy had built an entire town based on the scenery sets from Games Workshop. He had done a lot with the buildings, but it seemed to me that most materials were from the different GW scenery sets. That looked über-cool, and I have decided that I will try to get toghether a smal village during 2011 and take it from there. I have some buildings laying around, so why not assemble and paint them in such a way that they might belong to the same area... 

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